Index Copernicus (Poland) is an international scientometric base. This site includes indexing, ranking and referencing of journals, as well as a platform for scientific cooperation and implementation of joint scientific projects. |
ResearchBib is an international multidisciplinary database of scientific journals, which includes descriptions of the journals of more than 5,400 publishers. |
Eurasian Scientific Journal Index is the database of the most important scientific journals in Europe and Asia, which publishes the most authoritative research. |
Scientific periodicals of Ukraine are the portal created by the National Library of Ukraine named after V.I. Vernadsky. |
Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory - the database of the American publisher Bowker, is the largest database describing the worldwide flow of serial (periodic and ongoing) publications (popular and scientific journals) in all thematic areas of life. |
Google Scholar - search engine for the full texts of scientific publications of all formats and disciplines. The project has been working since November 2004. The index of "Google Scholar" includes data from most peer-reviewed online journals of the largest scientific publishing houses in Europe and America. |
OpenAIRE is the largest European repository, the repositories are linked through regional and thematic networks. Two of the largest regional networks OpenAire are in Europe and LA Referencia in Latin America. |
RePEc is an Internet project dedicated to the systematization of research in the field of economics. This is the result of the combined efforts of hundreds of volunteer scientists and scientific organizations from more than 70 countries to increase the availability of scientific research results. |