Ponomarenko R.

Doctor  in Engineering Sciences, professor, Head of the Faculty operational and rescue forces National University of Civil Protection of Ukraine, Kharkiv

Cherkashyn O.

PhD in Pedagogical Sciences, Senior Lecturer at the department of fire and rescue training, National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine, Kharkiv

Ponomarenko I.

Psychologist of the psychological support sector, National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine, Kharkiv


DOI: 10.52363/2414-5866-2021-2-26

Ключові слова: state standard, educational process, new Ukrainian school, State standard of primary education, knowledge formation.


The aim of the article is the analysis and theoretical substantiation of the most effective forms and methods of educational work with primary schoolchildren to shape knowledge in the field of fire safety. The leading task is to describe the existing forms and methods of educational work with students in academic and extra-curricular time, the analysis of their effectiveness, highlighting the main components of the basics of fire safety, description of their implementation of the main provisions in the educational process in primary school.


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