Помаза-Пономаренко А.Л.

д.держ.упр., с.д., ННВЦ НУЦЗУ, м. Харків

Білотіл О.М.

к.держ.упр., НУЦЗУ, м. Харків


DOI: 10.52363/2414-5866-2023-2-25


A systematic approach to the definition of the term "institutional capacity" within the scope of the science of public management and administration is proposed. In this context, the peculiarities of the correlation of institutions of the political system with legal subsystems and institutions in Ukraine were investigated. The role of state authorities, local self-government bodies and representatives of civil society in shaping the institutional capacity of the state is defined.

Ключові слова: public administration, the state, institutional capacity of the state, institutions of the political system, legal subsystems and institutions, state authorities, local self-government bodies, civil society.


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