Pomaza-Ponomarenko A.

Doctor in public administration, Senior Researcher, Head of the Department on Problems of State Security of the Research, Educational and Production Center, National university of civil protection of Ukraine, Kharkiv

Medvedeva D. 

Student, National University of Civil Protection of Ukraine, Kharkiv

Drahan I.

Doctor of Science degree in Public Administration, Professor, Head of the Department of Economic Security, Public Administration and Administration of Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University, Zhytomyr, 

E-governance as a tool of establishing feedback with the public and conflict resolution

DOI: 10.52363/2414-5866-2021-1-2


Ключові слова: e-government, public administration, public, conflicts


The article considers the theoretical foundations of such an extremely important institutional phenomenon as e-government. Perspective directions of its use for establishing public relations and resolving conflicts are determined.


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4. Pomaza-Ponomarenko A., Hren M., Durman O., Bondarchuk N., Vozniuk Е. Problematic aspects of state policy modernization in the conditions of digitalization. International Journal of Management, 2020. № 11 (6). P. 508-515. https://doi.org/10.34218/ijm.11.6.2020.044

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6. UN e-Government Surveys. Public Institutions and Digital Government of Department of Economic and Social Affairs of UN, 2018. URL: https://publicadministration.un.org/en/research/un-e-government-surveys.