Домбровська С.М.

д.держ.упр., проф., начальник ННВЦ НУЦЗУ, м. Харків.

Коленко В.В.

адюнкт ННВЦ НУЦЗУ, м. Харків.

Державна політика з забезпечення безпеки інформаційного середовища

DOI: 10.52363/2414-5866-2021-1-1

Ключові слова: state policy, information security, information and communication technologies, information support of state security.


The issues of the Ukrainian state’s information environment formation connected with the development of information and communication technologies, advertising of the contemporary lifestyle in mass communications, computerization of education, the spread of electronic devices that provide comfort and convenience in everyday life have been considered in the paper. It has been defined that the level of information and cognitive insufficiency for decision-making concerning protection against emerging dangers (threats) and, above all, informational has significantly increased. It is obvious that in such conditions the dominance of information security is growing enormously. Therefore, the higher the society’s level of intellectualization and informatization, the more significant and effective should be its information security. Nowadays, the society’s information sphere is rightly considered as dominant, and its mature form is regarded as the material and technical basis of the information society and, at the same time, an integral part of the noosphere.


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